Help build
the Taíno Museum
Since near 50 years, Kathy Dicquemare (80+) has bring together more than 5,000 pre-Columbian artifacts, the majority of which are Taíno pan-Caribbean archaeological objects from Haiti. This is from far the first unique Private Collection on Taíno People up to now.
Since 2009, Kathy has create the KATHY DICQUEMARE FOUNDATION, a non profit organisation. The main purpose of the foundation is to build the first national Taíno Museum to share this collection with the public. The Taíno Museum has a strong core of revival or Taíno legacy materials that include fine photographs, graphics and contemporary works influenced by Taíno heritage and history. It speaks to the power of the original images to note that they have sustained their inspirational force for over five centuries.
As soon as the project is fully sustainable and financed, the construction of the Taíno Museum building will start. The Museum is hosted inside the Cormier Beach Resort area. Here is a view of the domain including the Museum (check the video at 01:34 to 02:11).
Thank you for
your generosity
Up to now, you can only visit the Taíno Museum virtually on this website. $300 000 is needed to build the Museum in a safe and accessible environment and to preserve the collection.
The Museum will be located in Cormier Beach Resort, one of the best resort in the North of Haiti.
Kathy thanks you for your precious help.
Donate Now!
$1 or more, click on the picture below to start the donation process.