Portfolio Category: Duhos


Duho or seat made from a single piece of wood, representing an anthropomorphic figure with sculptured head and engraved geometric designs on the back, used for the cohoba ritual. The Duho was also used by the cacique while watching the ball game played by the Tainos. The head represented the deification of the dog called…
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Wooded Duho

This wooden seat was used by chiefs in the Caribbean Taino culture during ceremonial communication with the spirit world. Wooden seat carved in the shape of an ancestor spirit by the Taino, one of the pre-European, native Caribbean peoples. This wooden seat known as a duho was sculpted by a Taino artisan. The Taino were…
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Duhos – Ritual Seat

This wooden seat was used by chiefs in the Caribbean Taino culture during ceremonial communication with the spirit world. It is sculpted from the dense tropical hardwood guayacan (Guaiacum officinale) and is in the form of a powerful male figure crouching on all fours. When Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492, much of the Caribbean was…
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