Portfolio Category: Magic-Religious Beliefs

Zemis collection

Zemies represented deities and each social group could choose their own zemies. There could exist rivalries among the various zemies. Zemies were manufactured from every suitable material available and in all sizes. Here we have the ones which were used as pendants or otherwise tied to the forehead and whose function was to serve as…
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Three pointers

The first triangular three pointers existed in stone and shell and were small and undecorated. They date from the first migration by ceramic bearing people in the lesser Antilles about 200 B.C. In time they became the most significant artifact of the Taino culture and received complex decorations. They could represent social status, political power,…
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Small Zemi

Zoomorphic representation of a small zemi. An animist conception of nature is characteristic for indigenous beliefs. Human traits are attributed to animals, which are considered to be embodiments of mythological beings. Living creatures were believed to have a dual existence and could transform themselves, into animals.
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Decorated human skull

Human skull decorated with reptilian figure representing a lizard. Shamans were individuals incharge of communicating with the gods, in order to predict the future, help the people to take group decisions and healing ailments. Shamans looked to obtain positive qualities from animals which would help them communicate with the gods during their visionary trips. We…
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This is a stone pendent or amulet. The squatting position of this and other amulets has been associated with the flexed position in which the Tainos generally buried their dead.
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Duho or seat made from a single piece of wood, representing an anthropomorphic figure with sculptured head and engraved geometric designs on the back, used for the cohoba ritual. The Duho was also used by the cacique while watching the ball game played by the Tainos. The head represented the deification of the dog called…
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Elbow stones

The elbow stones are more gracile than the stone collars, it is possible that they represent an evolution of the originally form, they constitute an abbreviated form. Elbow stones were displayed during the ball games. The Taino played a ball game that existed in various forms throughout Mesoamerica and South America. Played by two teams…
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Ceremonial petaloide axe

On several petaloide axes, meaning shaped like flower petals, we have seen that the decoration covered the entire piece. It shoes a squatting anthropomorphic figure which covers the entire piece. The figure becomes wholly integrated into the functional form giving it a sacred and magical sense. This piece had been designated as effigy axe.
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Three pointer with zoomorphic representation

This three pointer was carved from stone and had a triangular shape. It was decorated with a zoomorphic design. It was a symbol of power and fertility. Some of the three pointer were routinely buried in the plantations called conucos, to ensure the growth of the plants. Others were part of the shrines where the…
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Wood container

Wood container with owl representation. The owl is a bird of ill omen that announces the proximity of death, and inhabits a mythical world. By following the cosmic flight of the owl, the behiques could see and talk to the spirits and enter the region of the dead to rescue the soul of an ailing…
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