This vessels were manufactured to contain meals. Meals were cooked with meat, corn, tuber etc.. The meals were a mixture of various ingredients and prepared like a soup. Manioc was the principal ingredient. The shortcoming of manioc is its low protein content so other sources of protein had been added to the garden as protein…
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Chican pot with incised decoration and anthropomorphic bilateral handles
The society of the Taino who made ceramic vessels which style the archaeologist called chicoide, emerged as a continuation of the cultural development that had characterized Caribbean history for several thousand years. They fused the aspects of their heritage into something altogether new.
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Double bodied pot with incised decoration
Double bodied pot with incised decoration and lateral handles with anthropomorphic representation half bat half human from Chicoide style. The bat is a common motif in Taino representational art. These bat – head adornos were affixed to the sides of pots where they communicated the Taino worldview while serving as handles. The importance of bats…
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