Conch shell internal part, named columela, with spires attached which were used as scrappers. As scrapper they were used for peeling the skin from manioc tubers.
Zoomorphic representation of a small zemi. An animist conception of nature is characteristic for indigenous beliefs. Human traits are attributed to animals, which are considered to be embodiments of mythological beings. Living creatures were believed to have a dual existence and could transform themselves, into animals.
The indigenes elaborated cups using shells. The rounded form of the Charonia variegata gives a good possibility to make a cup. This shell is frequently present in Caribbean waters and is a good stuff to eat and for making tools, ornaments and so on. Cups were part of the household and were made for containing…
Wood was used for making many things which went from ceremonial to household artifacts, canoes for transportation and houses. One of the techniques for working wood was to burn the inside out of the piece you would prepare. The trick was to keep the fire burning in the right places by blowing on it. When…
The indigenous people had no nails, no screws, no sticky tape, and no good glue, so they used string and rope to hold things together. They picked up things like roots, berries, oysters, clams, and other shellfish for eating and they used baskets for bringing home what they had gathered. Unfortunately, baskets or strings do…
This shell scraper was a part of the bivalve codakia orbicularis. This was utilized in natural shape, taking advantage of the round end of the bivalve. With this the indigenous people peeled of the rind from the manioc before shredding the root, extracting its poisonous juice, and cooking it on a flat, clay griddle. The…
Part of an Shell bracelet manufactured from a shell of the ´Strombidae family. This family is composed of several genera found in Antillean waters, which have been widely used by the indigenes. Multiple techniques were known to them for breaking, cutting and polishing the shell achieving thus the desired shapes. Bracelets make part of the…
Shell of the species Charonia variegata with an orifice at its apex. This shell which is abundant in the waters surrounding the island was very useful, first as a food and also as a household item and for body ornaments. In this case it was made into a musical instrument some sort of a trumpet.…
Taino craftspeople regarding shell and bone. Their techniques are matched only by those of the Inuit carvers in Alaska. These Objects often appear to have ritual functions. They obtained the raw material from fishing and sea gathering activities because the ground fauna was poor and humans bones were seldom used.
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