Portfolio Tag: Taino

Double vomiting stick made of bone

A special object, part of the Cohoba ritual, carved from bone and curved to fit down the throat to help the shaman purge himself. Vomiting accompanied large fasting to help the Cohoba to increase the effect. If inappropriate food was eaten, the shaman would not be able to travel and communicate with the spirits. Inhaling…
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed blandit massa vel mauris sollicitudin dignissim. Phasellus ultrices tellus eget ipsum ornare molestie scelerisque eros dignissim. Phasellus fringilla hendrerit lectus nec vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In faucibus, risus eu volutpat pellentesque, massa felis feugiat velit, nec…
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This is a deities image... Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In faucibus, risus eu volutpat pellentesque, massa felis feugiat velit, nec mattis felis elit a eros. Cras convallis sodales orci, et pretium sapien egestas quis. Donec tellus leo, scelerisque in facilisis a, laoreet vel quam. Suspendisse arcu…
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Stone pestle with anthropomorphic decoration

Stones pestles carved with human or avian images were used for ceremonial purposes, specifically to grind Cohoba powder. In Taino culture the Cohoba ritual was the most important. The idea was to get in contact with the spirits to obtain from them information about the future and to cure illnesses. The seeds from the tree…
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